Every Christmas, I give my dad some homemade Sucre à la crème as a gift. This year, I didn't want to disappoint him, neither encourage the dairy industry. Here is my recipe for some vegan sucre à la crème!
This year, I didn't want to disappoint him, neither encourage the dairy industry.
Psst! He didn't even notice the difference in the recipe!
236 ml vegan margarine
3 cups of light brown sugar
Milk mixture: 160ml regular coconut milk (not light) + 1/6 cup sugar + 1 tsp vanilla
3 cups powdered sugar
Prepare a pyrex dish with parchment paper (I use a square one).
In a casserole, melt the margarine.
Add the brown sugar and the milk mixture and boil for 5 minutes.
Remove from the burner. Add powdered sugar and mix with a hand mixer.
Empty the mix into the dish.
Wait until the mix is freezed but not too cold to cut into pieces.